Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Grave Hole/ Rosh Hashanah and Repentance

My Dear Friends

I was reminded of a time when God was doing a lot of healing. I had this impression of being in a grave hole with this small shovel. I was not allowed to come out until I had it all smooth and clean. The dirt was packed hard and clean every where except this one corner where a small stream of sand would pour down every time I shoveled that area. At that rate, I was never going to get out of the hole.

God was really dealing with me and my striving to be perfect. I did not believe I could be loved or accepted until I was perfect.

This is the week of Rosh Hashanah, which is  the biblical “Feast of Trumpets” it's considered to be both joyous and somber: joyous because it's a celebration of the new year and somber because custom has it as a “Day of Judgment” in that it is a day of looking back and taking stock of one's life over the past year. It is a time of forgiveness, both personally and spiritually. Personally we should seek to forgive those who have hurt us, and seek forgiveness from those we have harmed. Also, it is a time to remember God has forgiven us!

As I think about that grave hole now, how far I have come! I am no longer in that hole.  I am on top of the ground, never to go down again. I no longer have to strive to be perfect, the Bible says that God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
During this time of repentance, purging from you, Lord, no matter what comes up, YOU LOVE ME!
You know all about me. You know what is in my heart and attitude. You know all the dirt and stains that I have. When you adapted me, you took me as I was.

 I can imagine You, God, buying a rusty, filthy pot that has been used and abused and the inside all filled with stains. I know that you look at that pot with a vision and a plan. You know exactly what  to do, to bring that pot to where you can put your most precious ointment in it. That's how you see me.  It's because of your love for me that you clean, scrub and bring to the surface everything that  is not right.

Lord, I want to be your shinny vessel that you have envisioned me to be. I want to be pure and Holy.  I want to be able to hold your precious ointment. With fear and trembling, I give you permission to go through this house of mine, the attic, the main house, the basement, the cellar, under the beds, in the closets, in the corners, with a large flash light. I give you permission to expose to the light, the dirt, stains, bad attitudes, selfishness, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, that is in me. I come to you in humility, as a sinner. 

 I thank-you that you will not show me everything that there is wrong with me all at once. You will only give me what I can handle and I thank-you for the verse in 1st John 1:9,  If I confess my sins, you are faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Thank-you!

May we all be able to pray this prayer!  God so wants to clean us up, so we can  become the men and women of God that he has envisioned us to be.

Remember, It's not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit say's the Lord.
May you have a Blessed Day and Rosh Hashanah.

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